Flood Alert Info - Yeading Brooks in London Boroughs of Harrow and Hillingdon

Area Description

The Yeading Brooks East and West at Ruislip and Harrow.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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There are no Flood Alerts currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Alert

The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History

Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
We can provide a Flood Insurance Quote for properties in the Ruislip area

Historical Flood Alerts for this Area

Flood Alert issued on 23 Sep 2024 17:24
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
River levels remain high due to recent heavy rainfall. Flooding may continue to affect locations near the Yeading Brooks, with low lying land and roads expected to be most affected. Light rain is forecast this evening, though further flooding is not expected. Weather conditions are expected to improve tomorrow, Tuesday 24 September. We are monitoring the situation closely. Take care and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. This message will be updated by 10:00am Tuesday 24 September, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 23 Sep 2024 08:03
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Rain is forecast to affect London today, Monday 23rd September, after heavy rainfall overnight. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is the possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible from Sunday afternoon. Flooding from surface water, where water gathers and flows off road surfaces, could also occur. We expect river levels in areas that receive the heaviest rain to respond by rising quickly. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We expect the band of rain to move out of the area by tomorrow afternoon with no further rain forecast. We are constantly monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message by 4pm this afternoon, Monday 23rd September or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 22 Sep 2024 15:54
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Rain is forecast to affect London on Sunday 22nd September, this afternoon and overnight. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is the possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible from Sunday afternoon. Flooding from surface water, where water gathers and flows off road surfaces, could also occur. We expect river levels in areas that receive the heaviest rain to respond by rising quickly. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We expect the band of rain to move out of the area by tomorrow afternoon with no further rain forecast. We are constantly monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message by 8am tomorrow, Monday 23rd September or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 1 Aug 2024 18:01
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Thunderstorms are forecast to affect London this evening, Thursday, 01 August. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is the possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Thursday evening. Flooding from surface water, where water gathers and flows off road surfaces, could also occur. We expect river levels in areas that receive the heaviest rain to respond by rising quickly. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We expect the band of rain to move out of the area by 11pm tonight with no further rain forecast. We are constantly monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message at 10am tomorrow, 02 August or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 1 Aug 2024 12:07
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Thunderstorms are forecast to affect London today Thursday, 01 August, in the afternoon and into the evening. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is the possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Thursday evening. Flooding from surface water, where water gathers and flows off road surfaces, could also occur. We expect river levels in areas that receive the heaviest rain to respond by rising quickly. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We expect the band of rain to move out of the area by 11pm tonight with no further rain forecast. We are constantly monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message at 6pm today or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 15 Jul 2024 20:46
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Flooding is forecast to affect locations near the Yeading Brook (East, West and Roxbourne), with low lying land and roads most affected, particularly around Oxford Drive, Whitby Road, Queens Walk, West End Road railway bridge, Victoria Road, Field End Road, Brookside Close, Road by North Harrow Station and Yeading Brook Open Space. This is due to heavy rain forecast throughout the evening and overnight on Monday 15th July. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. We are monitoring rainfall and river levels and checking rivers for blockages. Take care and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. Avoid using low lying footpaths and any bridges near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 10am on Tuesday 16th July, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Aug 2023 19:28
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain has fallen across parts of London today, Saturday 5 August. The outlook for this evening and overnight is largely dry but some showers are still possible. No property flooding is currently expected. However, if further rain falls across the Harrow and Hillingdon areas, flooding to low lying land is possible. We will continue to monitor the forecast and have operational teams on standby to respond, if required. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. This message will be updated tomorrow morning or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Aug 2023 10:50
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
We have issued a Flood Alert. Storm Antoni is forecast to bring thunderstorms affecting London from midday on Saturday 5 August. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is the possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible from midday on Saturday. Flooding from surface water could also occur. We expect river levels to respond by rising quickly in areas receiving the heaviest rain. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. Consider putting your flood plan into action. We expect the band of rain to leave the area on Saturday evening, scattered showers are forecast for Sunday. We are constantly monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message on Saturday afternoon or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 4 Aug 2023 16:11
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
We have issued a Flood Alert. Heavy rain is forecast to affect London throughout Saturday 5 August. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is the possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible from Saturday morning. Flooding from surface water, where water gathers and flows off road surfaces, could also occur. We expect river levels to respond by rising quickly in areas receiving the heaviest rain. We recommend you stay aware of local weather conditions and water levels. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We expect the band of rain to move out of the area on Saturday evening, scattered showers are forecast for Sunday. We are constantly monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message on Saturday afternoon or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 17 Aug 2022 19:44
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Thunderstorms and heavy rain have caused localised river and surface water flooding across North London today, Wednesday 17th August. We anticipate that the heaviest rain has now passed although there still remains a risk that heavy showers could cause rivers to overtop their banks, as well as localised surface water flooding. Areas which have already been affected by flooding today could maintain standing water for several hours. We recommend you avoid walking, cycling or driving in such low lying areas and remain aware of your surroundings and the weather conditions. We will continue to monitor the situation throughout the night and are prepared to act as necessary. The chance of heavy rainfall reduces from tomorrow morning, Thursday 18th August, when drier conditions are expected to resume. This message will be updated by 9am tomorrow, Thursday 18th August.

Flood Alert issued on 17 Aug 2022 09:14
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect the London area for the remainder of today, Wednesday 17 August. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and, which areas will experience the heaviest rain, there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. The heaviest rain is expected to hit the London area between 2pm and 8pm today. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and have staff out on the ground checking and clearing trash screens. We will update this message in the next 12 hours or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 16 Aug 2022 17:11
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect the London area over the next 48 hour period. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and have staff out on the ground checking and clearing trash screens. We will update this message in the next 12 hours or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2021 22:00
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy and persistent rain is forecast over London overnight and into the early hours of tomorrow morning, Thursday 21 October. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible overnight tonight and into daylight hours tomorrow morning. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message tomorrow morning (Thursday 21st) or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 4 Oct 2021 20:36
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
We have issued a Flood Alert. Rain is forecast to affect London on Monday night, 4 October into Tuesday morning, 5 October. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low-lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Monday night. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message at 10am on Tuesday morning or earlier if the situation changes

Flood Alert issued on 25 Jul 2021 19:31
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms have affected parts of London during this afternoon, Sunday 25 July. There is the potential for further showers during this evening and overnight into Monday 26 July. There is uncertainty around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, but if heavy rainfall occurs in the Harrow or Hillingdon areas, there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message tomorrow morning, Monday 26 July, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 25 Jul 2021 10:10
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect the London area today, Sunday 25 July 2021. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if heavy rainfall occurs in the Harrow or Hillingdon areas, there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message this evening, Sunday 25 July 2021, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 24 Jul 2021 18:49
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect the London area through this evening and overnight, Saturday 24 July 2021 and tomorrow, Sunday 25 July 2021. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if heavy rainfall occurs in the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and staff have been out today checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message tomorrow morning, Sunday 25 July 2021, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 24 Jul 2021 09:30
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect the London area this afternoon, Saturday 24 July 2021 and tomorrow, Sunday 25 July 2021. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if heavy rainfall occurs in the Harrow or Hillingdon areas there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and have staff ready to respond to flooding if required. We will update this message this evening, Saturday 24 July 2021, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 23 Jul 2021 18:23
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect the London area tomorrow, Saturday 24 July 2021 and on Sunday 25 July 2021. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if heavy rainfall affects Harrow or Hillingdon, there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible. Surface water flooding may also affect low lying areas. We recommend that you monitor local weather conditions and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and have staff out on the ground checking and clearing trash screens. We will update this message by 9am tomorrow, Saturday 24 July 2021 or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Jul 2021 09:36
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Isolated thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are once again forecast to affect London from around 1pm and into the evening on Wednesday 21 July. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if this affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low-lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Friday. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message on Thursday morning, 22 July, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Jul 2021 11:59
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Isolated thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect London from around 1pm through to midnight on Tuesday 20 July. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if this affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low-lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Friday. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message on Wednesday Morning, 21 July, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Jun 2021 13:08
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to continue to affect London throughout the day and into tonight on Friday 18 June. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if this affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low-lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Friday. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message on Saturday morning,19 June, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 17 Jun 2021 19:10
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
We have issued a Flood Alert. Heavy rain and thunderstorms, bringing the potential for locally intense rainfall, are forecast to affect London from around 6am and throughout the day on Friday 18 June. While uncertainty remains around exact timings and which areas will experience the heaviest rain, if this affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could respond quickly and overtop their banks. Flooding to low-lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible on Friday. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring the situation closely and checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message on Friday afternoon, 18 June, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 4 Oct 2020 08:54
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Up to 70mm of rain has fallen in the past 48 hours in the Harrow and Hillingdon areas, causing river levels to rise. Most of the heavy rain has now passed and river levels remain high but are expected to fall during today, Sunday 4 October. Surface water may also be affecting these areas. We do not anticipate any flooding of properties, but will continue to monitor rainfall and river levels and check rivers for blockages. We recommend you continue to monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We will update this message by 8pm this evening, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Oct 2020 19:27
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Over the last 24 hours we have seen heavy rainfall in the Harrow and Hillingdon areas, causing river levels to rise. Further rainfall is forecast tonight and into tomorrow (Sunday 4th October) meaning that flooding to low lying land and roads is still likely. Surface water may also be affecting these areas. We do not anticipate any flooding of properties, but will continue to monitor rainfall and river levels and check rivers for blockages. We recommend you continue to monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We will update this message at 9am tomorrow morning, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Oct 2020 09:29
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
Overnight we have seen heavy rainfall in the Harrow and Hillingdon areas. River levels have risen and flooding to low lying land and roads is likely. Surface water may also be affecting these areas. Further rainfall is forecast through today (Saturday 3rd October) so river levels are expected to rise further, but we do not anticipate having to issue any flood warnings. We will continue to monitor rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We will update this message at 8pm this evening, or earlier if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 2 Oct 2020 19:23
Yeading Brook West, Yeading Brook East
We have issued a Flood Alert. More rain is forecast to affect London this evening and overnight into tomorrow, Saturday 3 October. It is currently unclear which areas will experience the heaviest rain. If the heaviest rain affects Harrow or Hillingdon there is a possibility that rivers could overtop their banks. Flooding to low-lying land, roads and riverside gardens is possible overnight and tomorrow. Surface water flooding may also affect these areas. We recommend you monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. We are monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages. We will update this message by 9am tomorrow or earlier if the situation changes.